5 Basic Coding Concepts Kids Can Learn

Some may wonder what can preschool-aged kids learn from coding classes. Computing concepts and computational thinking applies in our everyday lives whether we are young or old. The trick to conveying these skills is using an age-appropriate syllabus which encourages holistic development in this areas.


Sequencing is a very basic concept and should be readily understood by preschool kids. This concept is typically used to introduce coding to kids as it simply means completing a task in a specified order. This is a core skill that is the foundation to many concept on a cross-curricular basis. From the earliest age, kids develop an understanding of sequence and following steps.


They can learn about algorithms, which is something we use on a daily basis. An algorithm is simply an instruction given in a particular order to complete a task. When we do computer programming, we write algorithms to tell computers how to perform a task to get to the result we want.

Explaining this concept requires some linking with their everyday lives and experiences. This teaching strategy enables the kids to tap into their existing experience to learn about a new computing vocabulary.

Pattern recognition

The greatest power of computing is, perhaps, the ability to execute repeating instructions without error. This makes jobs such as manufacturing fully open to computer automation because computers are able to make these industries more efficient and productive. By being able to identify recurring patterns, a programmer can create a repeating loop which tells the computer to carry out a set of instructions any number of times. What is more, with computer coding, this is possible with only a few lines of code! Certainly much more efficient than communicating this requirement using the human language.


Decomposition is the process of breaking down a complex problem into smaller parts that are easier to understand. These smaller parts can be examined and solved individually as they are simpler to work with. When kids solve problems through computer coding, they will inevitably be faced with the task of looking at challenges in bite sized pieces. This skill will serve them well through life, as this skill gets used be it in the school environment or even the workplace.


Abstraction is a way to make problems easier to think about by removing unnecessary complexity. The skill is in balancing between the amount of detail to hide and ensuring that important features are not lost. In computer programming, it is used to make it easier to create complex algorithms. Once we have recognized patterns in our problems, we use abstraction to gather the general characteristics in order to solve our problem.


There are plenty of benefits that one can get from learning to code, especially from a young age. Kids can understand more than we think, the 5 coding concepts we have listed are but a few valuable lessons they can reap from learning to code. Best of all, coding is fun ! When kids learn to code, they code to learn.

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